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Welcome to Kingdom Labourers Ministries

KLM, as it is commonly known, is a Christian Ministry, which seeks to help Christian leaders become better stewards, by providing facilitated seminars and training workshops.

KLM is affiliated to the Association of Christian Religious Practitioners (ACRP), which is a professional body for Christian Religious Practitioners; registered as a non-statutory body under the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

Our reasonable service to the Body

'Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock that the Holy Spirit has appointed you to as overseers, to shepherd the church of God, which He purchased with His own blood. '

Acts 20:28 


It is no secret that the Body of Christ is under constant scrutiny by unbelievers and the enemy. As stewards, we need to exercise diligence over what God has entrusted us with. By leading with God's will in mind, we belief that this will promote oneness within the diverse range of gifts God has apportioned to the ones He has called to shepherd His flock. 

Biblical Principles
Practical & Engaging
Outcomes Based
Give us a call
we look forward in serving the Body of Christ with you
Call Now: +27 87 809 0419

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© For God's glory! - 2024

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